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This Disease Ages You Faster And Greatly Shortens Life Span. Learn How To Avoid it.

What disease am I talking about? Diabetes. Chances are you know someone with diabetes. Diabetes is so prevalent now-a-days that it’s almost a household name.

Even though people may not know how diabetes works, virtually everyone has heard of it and is aware of the devastation it can cause. It all starts with a diagnosis. Years of unstable blood sugars can lead to long-term damage down the line. The blood vessels scar up and begin to narrow leading to poor circulation. Poor circulation:

  • To the kidneys causes them to become damaged over time and eventually fail.
  • To the legs eventually leads to foot infections and ultimately amputation.
  • To the brain results in mini strokes and cognitive decline.
  • To the heart leads to an enlarged heart and possible heart attack.
  • Can lead to other things like erectile dysfunction, blindness, and bowel ischemia.

One thing the doctors fail to mention about diabetes is that it ages the body a lot faster. Someone may have a chronological age of 40, but their biological age is actually 60. Hemoglobin A1C is hemoglobin with glucose stuck to it. It’s not supposed to be stuck to it. This lab value tells us just how bad (or how good) the blood sugar control is. It also tells us how accelerated premature aging is setting in.

So how do we stop this destructive process and avoid it all together?

As a physician, it would be so easy for me say, ‘check your blood sugars, watch your diet, and take your meds regularly’. However, I’m not here to rehash what you and the rest of the 90% of the population already know. Statistics show while it does increase life span, it does not improve the quality of life. I want to tell you what doctors won’t tell you like how to prevent and cure diabetes.

1) Fundamentally, diabetes starts from insulin insensitivity which stems from lack of CHROMIUM and VANADIUM. Just taking these two minerals won’t cut it. It has to be taken with the rest of the 90 essential minerals and nutrients for them to be functional. It’s analogous to having the right exact screw to put a shelf together. It’s the right length, size, and has the right number ridges. However, if you don’t have a screw driver there is no way that shelf is coming together with the right integrity. Nutrition is Key.

2) You can actually get rid of diabetes and stop your medications in 11 days. How? By fasting or intermittent fasting. This involves eating within a restricted window of 8 hours every day. For eg., you may not eat anything until 11am and stop eating by 7pm. Other ways to attain this is fasting a few days a week. Fasting puts you in a state of ketosis and you start burning fat. The fat that you ideally want to shed is not necessarily the fat you can see, but the fat that you can’t see. I’m talking about the visceral fat that surrounds your organs particularly the liver and pancreas. When enough fat infiltrates these organs, it affects your insulin sensitivity and how you metabolize glucose. The Ketogenic Diet works off of the same idea by eating a low calorie (e.g. 600-800) diet daily for about 8 weeks. After that, diabetes could be potentially cured. Maintaining this state involves intermittent fasting which has been shown to increase longevity, detoxify the body, kill cancer cells, and boost the immune system.

3) Vitamin C is like the opposite of diabetes. Glucose is one enzymatic reaction from becoming vitamin C. Surprisingly, humans possess the gene that codes for the enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, which converts glucose to vitamin C. Unfortunately that gene is inactive for whatever reason. Virtually all mammals with the exception of primates and guinea pigs produce their own vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C improves vascular health. Diabetes destroys vascular health.
  • Vitamin C prevents infection. Diabetes promotes infections.
  • Vitamin C has antioxidant effects and it has anti-aging properties. Diabetes has pro-oxidant effects and accelerates aging.
  • Vitamin C prevents cancer, while diabetes promotes cancer.
  • Taking more vitamin C allows more vitamin C to enter the cell by virtue of competition. With diabetes, glucose competes with vitamin C to enter the cell. Therefore, the more glucose in the blood the less vitamin C that enters the cell. More vitamin C in the blood more vitamin C in the cell.

4) L-Arginine converts to a special molecule that plays a pivotal role in vascular health. This molecule is nitric oxide. It protects the vascular lining from damage and inflammation. It prevents the build up of plaque and prevents blood clots. More importantly it increases blood flow everywhere. Nitric oxide blood levels decrease as we age. This is important in diabetics because as I have mentioned before they age faster and have poor circulation. You may be able to prevent and even reverse the vascular damage caused by diabetes by taking L-Arginine. This means coming off of dialysis, saving a limb from amputation, and stopping an impending heart attack.

Diabetes is an epidemic and I see people suffering from it everyday despite seeing their doctors and taking their medications as prescribed. However, what is NOT known publicly and what I’m revealing to you today is that diabetes can be cured in the comfort of the home and without going to the hospital.

For more information on L-Arginine, visit

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